高清盗版风暴:大年初三,我已经下载好全部春节档电影 ...:2021-4-29 · 8年前,知名盗版网站VeryCD一度传出关停消息,曾引起大量网友涌入网站,希望抢在关停前把资源都下载下来。8年后,《流浪地球》主创的微博下,网友的留言却变成了举报盗版链接。“每天都有观伡给我伞发来的私信,协助我伞打击盗版。这是我最没想到的,非常感动。
Standard Setting Organization Participation Topics
Participating in SSOs Part I: Propositions, Value Propositions and Strategies
Participating in SSOs Part II: Getting the Most from Your Membership
Intellectual Property Rights and Standard Setting
SSO Formation and Management Topics
Forming a Consortium Part I: Business Considerations
Forming a Successful Consortium Part II: Legal Considerations
Certification and Branding
Creating an SSO Technical Process
Law and Policy Topics
Government Issues & Policy
Laws, Cases & Regulations
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Whose Standard is This?
Should you care where your standards come from? More +
The Dollars and Sense of Open Standards
Whether using standards that are "open" can save money is an important question, but not as important as knowing whether they will be effective in protecting fundamental rights. 网际直通车
Measuring the Benefits of Open Standards: A Contribution to Dutch Politics
In 2011 the Dutch Court of Audit released a report on the benefits of using open standards and open source software for government IT, concluding that there were hardly any benefits to be gained. The Court's underlying research was widely criticized. In this article, the authors analyze the report's omissions and weaknesses, introduce an economic framework for evaluating standardization, apply that framework to the subject of switching costs, and conclude that the framework, in combination with elements from other existing methodologies, can provide a starting point for more systematically performing international policy research relating to the benefits of open standards. More +
Judge Robart's Opinion in Motorola vs. Microsoft and the Future of FRAND
It took Judge Robart 207 pages to decide what a "fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory" price would be for the use of Motorola's "Standards Essential Patents." A standards setting organization could have done so in a few sentences. More +
胡锦涛开通“网络民意直通车”-东北网国内-东北网:2021-6-28 · 早在2021年,胡锦涛、温家宝就公开了网民身份,向外界展现对互联网的重视;2021至2021年,温家宝连续四年在“两会”中外记者招待会上主动问候中国网民,并感谢网民分忧,公开肯定了这种“民意直达高层直通车”的沟通方式;去年初,中共中央政治局集体学习
The U.S. patent system has been taking heavy fire for years from critics who contend that it is "irretrievably broken." This year, those critics gained a new supporter: President Obama — at least when it comes to patents wielded by "non-practicing entities." 网际直通车
高清盗版风暴:大年初三,我已经下载好全部春节档电影 ...:2021-4-29 · 8年前,知名盗版网站VeryCD一度传出关停消息,曾引起大量网友涌入网站,希望抢在关停前把资源都下载下来。8年后,《流浪地球》主创的微博下,网友的留言却变成了举报盗版链接。“每天都有观伡给我伞发来的私信,协助我伞打击盗版。这是我最没想到的,非常感动。
Ten years from now, most of the data, hardware and software in any nation will be housed in a few hundred enormous data farms, heavily defended against cyberattack — and completely vulnerable to kinetic weapons. Remember something called "war?" More +
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